Studying in New Zealand

New Zealand’s education system allows for flexibility, choice and great support. At its heart is the New Zealand Qualifications' Framework (NZQF). This lists all qualifications in a series of levels, from Level 1 to 10, and includes certificates, diplomas and degrees. Whether you’re studying at secondary or tertiary level, it’s a good idea to check that your study programme will lead towards a qualification listed on the NZQF, because this means it’s quality assured.

On this page...

  1. All about New Zealand Qualifications
  2. Secondary school and NCEA
  3. Tertiary Education
  4. International Students in New Zealand

All about New Zealand Qualifications

A look at the New Zealand Qualifications' Framework and the education levels within it.

  1. Understanding New Zealand Qualifications (NZQF)
  2. Levels and qualifications types (certificates, diplomas, degrees)
  3. Search for a qualification

Secondary school and NCEA

In New Zealand, secondary education runs from Year 9 (around 12-14 years old) up to Year 13 (around 16-18 years old). Students generally work towards the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) where they begin level one in Year 11 and work through to level 3 in Year 13.

  1. Understanding NCEA
  2. Choosing secondary school subjects
  3. International recognition of NCEA
  4. Explore secondary schools in New Zealand

Tertiary Education

Students ready to continue their study have a great selection of tertiary education options to choose from in New Zealand, from universities to institutes of technology and polytechnics, private training establishments, wānanga, or workplace training.

  1. About tertiary education in NZ
  2. Choosing a tertiary qualification
  3. Tips for choosing a tertiary provider
  4. Search recognised education providers in New Zealand

International Students in New Zealand

New Zealand welcomes international students from all around the globe to our education institutions. New Zealand’s qualifications are world-class, and we have a number of systems in place to make sure our international students are looked after well.

  1. Information for international students
  2. Quality assurance of education in New Zealand
  3. 给中国学生的信息
  4. Caring for international Students - The Code of Practice